Maturing Men: Enjoying Life Beyond Fifty


Somewhere in their 50s, 60s and 70s, all men will face a series of shipwrecks, major or minor: redundancy or retirement, divorce, kids leaving home, health problems....Every shipwreck contains a heartbreak and a gift: there is a loss to grieve, and the freedom of being cast up on an unknown shore, and making fresh choices. What's most poignant about these shipwrecks is that many men don't have the skills to reinvent themselves, to make the best of these new situations.

This blog aims to help maturing men to find these skills and enjoy life beyond 50 to the hilt: it is part of a range of resources including a book, events and a website: see more at

Friday, 30 September 2011

Befriending darkness: learning from the wood

Hazel Hill: Autumn Equinox
The Autumn Equinox was September 21.  This year, I’ve had time to go deeper into the meaning of this time by exploring it at Hazel Hill Wood, the magical 70-acre woodland retreat centre which I run near Salisbury.
An Equinox is a balance point in the year, and it can help us find balance in ourselves: between light and dark, active and receptive, masculine and feminine...However, the Autumn Equinox has a very different flavour from the Spring: it’s the threshold of the darker months, the slope down to Midwinter, the time of decay and dying back.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Life Threatening Crises for Friends

In the past few months, the wives of two close friends have had late diagnoses of advanced cancer which could be fatal.  The husband of another friend has had a stroke.  At the Summer School I go to each year, two couples from last year are now singles, having lost their spouse to cancer.  These are relatively young people in their fifties and sixties, with a history of good health and lifestyle.